​Carbon County
Environmental Education Center

Scroll down for frequently asked questions.
Please call CCEEC for guidance before approaching or handling wildlife.
We are licensed by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to rehabilitate wild mammals and birds.
We accept mammals, raptors and other birds, and endangered or threatened species.
We are not licensed to rehabilitate raccoons, foxes, skunks, bats, groundhogs, or coyotes, although we may accept them from the public before transfer to another, licensed facility.
We do not accept or care for injured adult deer, bear or coyotes.
CCEEC is also state and federally permitted to possess, and exhibit for education, legally obtained wildlife.
Why can’t I care for wildlife myself?
It’s illegal, and can be dangerous to care for wildlife without a license.
Wild animals can carry diseases and parasites, and transmit them to people or pets.
Even animals that appear healthy usually require some medical attention, in addition to food and water. Most species require specialized diets and housing in the long term. So it’s in the best interest of the animal to get it to a licensed facility quickly.
Is CCEEC a wildlife veterinary clinic?
No. Wildlife rehabilitators work with veterinarians to treat injured and orphaned wildlife.
There are several local veterinarians who provide prescription medications, x-rays, surgeries, emergency treatments and other services.
Our rehabilitation program is designed to provide longer term care for wild animals until they can be released.
Do I have to pay for anything?
No. However, we do welcome donations or memberships to help cover the cost of care.
What will you do for the animal I bring?
This depends on what’s wrong with it. Some animals, such as healthy but orphaned bunnies or squirrels, require an intake exam, followed by proper food and housing until they can be released. Others, such as birds with broken wings, might require surgery, antibiotics, and therapy.
With the help of our sponsoring veterinarians, we will provide the best care we can.
What will eventually happen to the animal I bring?
Our goal is always to get birds and mammals back into the wild where they belong.
In some cases, animals that can’t be released are “put to work” in our education programs, where we provide food, housing and medical care for life.
Some animals are transferred to other rehabilitation centers for more specialized care, or for use in education.
While we try our best to save whatever animals we can, we won’t let anything linger in pain. When an animal’s future holds no quality of life, the kindest thing we can do is to provide a release from pain through humane euthanasia.
Can I have the animal back?
No. Once you’ve delivered the animal to us, our permits prohibit us from allowing any public contact with it.
Sometimes, as with an adult that may have established territory, we like to put the animal back where it came from. It may be returning to your property or your neighborhood, but we can’t give it to you to release there.
Young animals and immature birds are often released in areas where we know they will find the proper food and shelter. Some animals get a “soft release”, where we provide supplemental food and/or shelter until they are independent.
Can I call to see how the animal is doing?
Absolutely! Since we receive hundreds of animals each year, it’s difficult for us to call and give updates on each. But we'll be happy to answer your call if you have questions.
Generally, we ask that you wait a few days after dropping the animal off before you call. After about three days, we usually have a better idea of how things will turn out.
CCEEC will not accept any raccoon, fox, skunk, groundhog, bat, or coyote that has bitten or scratched a person.
If you or someone you know has been bitten or scratched by a wild mammal, please call the Pennsylvania Department of Public Health, as well as a family physician.
Mucous membranes, such as in your eyes, nose and mouth, and open wounds or cuts on your skin are also routes for disease transmission.
To be safe, never handle any wild animal, alive or dead, with your bare hands.
If you have any questions at all about wildlife diseases or parasites, we strongly suggest that you contact your physician and/or health department. We can provide health department telephone numbers.
Be certain that to your knowledge, the animal you are dropping off has not bitten or scratched anyone!